REPRODIVAC - Next-generation vaccines and diagnostics to prevent livestock reproductive diseases of worldwide impact
Halfway internal meeting of the REPRODIVAC project

February the 28th marked the halfway point of the REPRODIVAC project.
An internal meeting has been organised in which each Pathogen Leader (Pilar Munoz from CITA for Brucella suis, David Longbottom form MRI for Chlamydia abortus, Tom McNeilly form MRI for Coxiella burnetii and Simon Graham from TPI for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory virus) gave an overview summarizing:
- REPRODIVAC objectives for the specific pathogen
- Where we are
- Last results
- Bottlenecks (if any)
More than 30 participants followed the meeting on-line. The work done so far is remarkable and the results presented are very promising.

David Longbottom

Pilar Munoz

Simon Graham