REPRODIVAC - Next-generation vaccines and diagnostics to prevent livestock reproductive diseases of worldwide impact
Associacio Porcsa-Grup de Sanejament Porcì
The Grup de Sanejament Porcí (GSP) is a non-profit association of independent farmers, cooperatives, and integrated pig companies with the aim of improving globally the health status of the pig population and optimizing its profitability. This improvement is achieved by decreasing the impact of endemic diseases and avoiding the appearance of exotic ones in the population through monitoring of diseases with active, passive, and syndromic surveillance. This surveillance is carried using up-to-date diagnostic tools such as serology, microbiology, molecular biology techniques and pathogen´s sequencing.
GSP was Founded in 1995 and works closely with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Resources (DAAM) of Catalonia and other administrations such as the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA). Finally, it is recognised as the pig laboratory of Catalonia, protected by resolution AAM/2492/2011.